
 I loved drinking. But it made me sick.

Even one drink would nauseate me.

I wasn't a classic alcoholic. I could stop if I wanted to.

And I did. Countless times. I didn't drink morning until night.

But alcohol makes me puke. So, drinking for me, was a bad idea.

I went to an AA meeting with a friend.

That's when I discovered that I wasn't an alcoholic, not by a long shot.

But alcohol has caused me to have to miss work, miss dates, and couldn't possibly have been good for my health.

So I gave it up twelve years ago. Do I miss it?

Of course. I was a drinker in the spirit of Li Bai and Du Fu.

Alcohol made me free. But then, I'd have cramps for days.

So, the alcohol had to stop. And,it did.


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